About Us

The San Bernardino County Democratic Party (SBCDP), also known as San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee (SBDCC), is the official governing body of the Democratic Party representing over 468,000 registered Democrats in San Bernardino County, California.

Our authority is derived from the California Elections Code and the California Democratic Party (CDP).

Our members are elected by registered Democrats in San Bernardino County every four years and appointed in accordance with our bylaws. Our general body meets once every month, and our executive board meets once every month in addition to the general meeting. In addition, members meet regularly with their committees, where they make important progress in registering new voters, assisting local democrats run for office, lobbying elected officials and forming legislative requests and resolutions.

The SBCDP works at the local level in cooperation with the California Democratic Party (CDP) and the National Democratic Committee (DNC).  The SBCDP is the Democratic Party in San Bernardino County. If you are a Democrat running for local or regional office, you may wish to seek our endorsement. Candidates for state or national office should seek the endorsement of the CDP. Every candidate is vetted and interviewed to assure their values align closely with those of San Bernardino Democrats. 

The San Bernardino County Democratic Party is entirely composed of volunteers and elected officials, dedicated to growing a movement for Democratic values across our county, our state, and our country. Please, consider joining us as a volunteer, attending a meeting, or donating to our cause. All registered Democrats are welcome to observe our meetings at any time.

Democratic Clubs

To get involved, contact one of the active clubs listed below or start your own club. Chartering info is here. CLUB PRESIDENT TOWN  Email/Website Club info Chino Valley Democratic Club Jim Gallagher Chino chinovalleydemocrats21@gmail.comhttps://chinovalleydemocrats.org P.O. Box 213, Chino, CA 91710 Democratic Club of Big Bear Valley Sarah Gardam-Thomas Big Bear City bbvdemclub@gmail.com https://bigbeardemocrats.com PO Box 6578, …

Officers and Members of Executive Board

TITLE OFFICER/MEMBER Chair Kristin Washington First Vice Chair Sarah Gardam-Thomas Second Vice Chair Jim Gallagher Third Vice Chair Stacey Ramos Treasurer Recording Secretary Tariq Aziz Corresponding Secretary Lorraine Enriquez Parliamentarian* TBD Sergeant-at-Arms* Jennifer Xicara             Voter Registration Chair*             Taisha Brown           …


View our Bylaws and Standing Rules Here: BYLAWS of the SBCDP [rev 2016-04-28]