Category: News

AD 41 will Caucus for a New Member

Assembly District 41 has experienced the loss of a dear member, Ms. Linda Baker. In accordance with the San Bernardino County Central Committee Bylaws, AD 41 will caucus to select a new member this Sunday, December 20, @4pm. If you are a registered Democrat and live in California’s 41st Assembly District, you are eligible to …

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We endorsed them, and you elected them.

Membership Available to Registered Democrats in AD 42, Morongo Basin and Yucaipa

If you are interested in joining the Democrats of San Bernardino County Central Committee and you live in Assembly District 42, please email to register. A caucus of AD 42 members will be held Tuesday, November 17th @6:00pm to recommend a new member to the Central Committee. The only requirement is that candidates be …

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Executive Board Meeting – Sunday, October 11th @4pm

Register in advance for this meeting: registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

San Bernardino County Democratic Party Endorses Local Candidates

Find a copy of the official press release here. SCHOOLS Chino Valley Unified School District, Member, Governing Board Dr Havaughnia Hayes-White,  Donald Bridge  Colton Joint Unified School District, Member, Governing Board, Area 3  Bertha Arreguin  Copper Mountain Community College District, Member, Governing Board  Tyler “Thomas” Short   County of San Bernardino, Member, Board of Education, Area …

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Attention Democratic Candidates…

Thank you to all candidates that responded to our invitation to seek the endorsement of the San Bernardino County Democratic Party. The deadline has now passed. We are no longer accepting applications, questionnaires, or endorsement fees. We will announce our endorsements later this month. Only registered Democrats may apply for endorsement by the Democratic Party. …

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Meeting and Agenda Notification Guidelines

In order to increase transparency and allow for maximum participation, the Executive Board of the SBCDCC has adopted the following practices and guidelines for receiving and giving notice regarding meetings and agenda items…


Greetings to our new and returning Central Committee elected Democrats! In order to schedule a re-organization meeting for the SBCDCC, the following steps need to occur: Every new and returning member of the Central Committee was sent a letter via USPS with the information needed to credential.  Most of the returned responses have only come …

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Attention all Current, Returning, and Future SBCDCC members!

During this unprecedented Pandemic we have been thrust into, your Current Executive Board has been diligently working towards returning member and new member installation, with a manageable reorganization that works on behalf of all. We are mailing a letter, via US Postal Service, according to our By-Laws, to our SBCDCC returning, and new members. The …

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Local Elected Leaders Highlight New Revenue Estimates from Schools & Communities First- Press conference today will announce new report that shows billions will go towards local critical services and essential workers

TODAY: Local Elected Leaders Highlight New Revenue Estimates from Schools & Communities First Press conference today (May 7, 2020) announced new report that shows billions will go towards local critical services and essential workers Today at 10:30 AM, the Schools & Communities First campaign will be hosting a Zoom press conference featuring local elected leaders …

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