Current Members: This is your one spot for information.
Code of Conduct Approved August 27th by the General membership of the SBCDCC
For the full text, click on the link below the image. All members are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct in all public endeavors.

All members must complete a MEMBER INFORMATION FORM annually at the July meeting and are responsible to keep their contact information updated throughout the year. To properly sign the form, you must download it and open using Adobe Acrobat Reader, which will allow you to fill in the fields and even sign the document electronically. You may also print the empty PDF, fill it out, then scan it. Finally, email the finished document to the Sergeant at Arms, currently Jennifer Xicara Pay dues when complete in the Act Blue link below.
Meeting Notice by Electronic Mail (Standing Rules)
- Members receive notice of meetings by individual electronic mail, but can choose notice via U.S. Mail by indicating on the MEMBER INFORMATION FORM. Any changes must be submitted in writing to the Central Committee Executive Board. Forms can be mailed to P.O. Box 12026, San Bernardino CA 92423
- It is the responsibility of the member to promptly notify the Corresponding and Recording Secretaries of any change in their email address.
All Members must pay dues or lose their voting rights Dues are due and payable annually at every July meeting and become past due within 30 days of that date. During an election year (in which new Central Committee members are elected, dues are required before the reorganization meeting, or May 1st, whichever comes sooner). New members must pay their dues upon assumption of membership. Dues are not pro-rated.
Dues Amounts Effective August 2016
- Regular, Ex Officio, and Permanent Alternates pay $40
- Alternates (first, second, and third) pay $25
(If you cannot access online links or care to create hard copies pay dues by check and also fill out and submit a new MEMBER INFORMATION FORM)
>> Pay Your Dues on ActBlue
See the entire fee schedule here.
Regular and Ex Officio Members are allowed to appoint up to three alternates to serve in their absence (1st, 2nd, and 3rd). Ex Officio Members are also allowed to appoint one “Permanent Alternate” who then holds the equivalent status as a regular member [Bylaws].
To make your appointment, complete this form. Be sure to sign and date it to make it valid.
Hand in your form to the Sergeant at Arms or the Chair, or mail it to P.O. Box 12026, San Bernardino CA 92423 or email to
- vacancy appointment form-final (use this form if you are nominating more members to your AD because your AD did not get 6 members)