May is SBCDCC Bylaws Education month! We’re getting together to read the bylaws out loud, section by section. Get to know the SBCDCC Bylaws – Wednesdays in May
Preamble – Article IV (Wed 5/5 @ 7PM) – Article V – VIII (Wed 5/12 @ 7PM) Article IX – XII (Wed 5/19 @ 7PM) Standing Rules (Wed 5/26 @ 7PM)
We are not making changes to the bylaws yet, just taking time to get to know the current version better.
Register in advance for the read aloud:
May 05
Join Us in Getting to Know our Bylaws
May 01
Celebrate Asian and Pacific Americans
Apr 08

Join us for our 1st Virtual Fundraiser – Sat, Apr 10th @ 6PM
Make your contribution today by clicking here:
The San Bernardino County Democratic Party is committed to developing the next generation of candidates for local office. We need support for work such as recruiting and developing qualified Democrats to run for local offices. Holding seats on Water Boards, School Boards, City Councils, Board of Supervisors and more is crucial for the development of a strong bench of Democrats who can one day run for higher office. But it takes a coordinated effort to run an effective campaign for office. The San Bernardino County Democratic Party is planning to equip candidates with the campaigning and campaign management skills they need. With your support we can increase the number of Democrats elected to local office in San Bernardino County.
Show your support for the work of the San Bernardino County Democratic Party with a ticket to the “Hope Springs Ahead” Virtual Gala today!
Tickets are:
$35.00 Stacy Abrams Level
$75.00 Kamala Harris Level
$100.00 Joe Biden Level
$350.00 Spring 2021 Fundraiser Sponsor Level
Your Gala ticket gives you access to the April 10th online gala and to the digital Photo Booth! (We will email those links to you)
Make your contribution today by clicking here:
Mar 10
New! – Meetings and Events Calendar
This new feature can always be found in the navigation bar of our website, under “Get Involved”
Feb 20
Attention: Democrats residing in Assembly District 33 and Assembly District 41 are eligible to run for a recently vacated seat in each district on the San Bernardino County Central Committee.
AD41 current voting members have been notified to meet via Zoom and caucus on Monday Feb. 22 at 5:00pm. All Democrats who reside in AD41 are eligible to be nominated for this seat to fill one recent vacancy. Voting members get to interview and decide on process to accept nominees as required.
AD33 current voting members have been notified to meet via Zoom and caucus on Monday Feb. 22 at 7:00pm. All Democrats who reside in AD33 are eligible to be nominated for this seat to fill one recent vacancy. Voting members get to interview and decide on process to accept nominees as required.
Zoom participants will be placed in a waiting room to be verified by host.
Contact host at for more detail if you are a Democrat residing in one of those Districts and interested in serving on the SBCDCC.
AD41: Join Zoom Meeting Monday Feb 22 at 5pm
AD33: Join Zoom Meeting Monday Feb 22 at 7pm
Feb 20
SBCDCC Zoom Event | L&R Committee Kickoff | SAT. 2.27 2PM

The San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee (SBCDCC) is hosting a zoom event to kick off the Legislation and Resolution Committee
- Committee Overview – Irmalinda Osuna will share the committee purpose, goal, meeting details, etc.
- Resolution Writing 101 – Ana Gonzalez will explain what is a resolution, how to draft one and carry it forward
- Guest Speaker – Amber Rose Howard will discuss why the state budget process matters in addressing racial justice
- Q&A
- Next Steps– Closing remarks and how you can get involved
Event Date: Saturday, Feb 27, 2021 2:00 PM
Target Audience:
- SBCD Central Committee members and alternates
- SBCD Chartered Club Leaders
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Register here:
Feb 11
Fellow progressive Democrats

The California Nurses Association is hosting a training and educational meeting for CDP delegates and central committee members who support single payer guaranteed health care in California.
This meeting will include a brief policy overview and will focus on how Democratic Party activists can use their party positions to effectively advocate for state-level single payer health care and Medicare for All nationally. Amar Shergill, Chair of the CDP Progressive Caucus, will give opening remarks on the important role that California Democratic Party activists will play in this fight.
Sign up to attend the Single Payer Training on Thursday, Feb 11th, at 5pm.
Please invite other delegates and central committee members who support single payer health care with this short link:
Feb 04
San Bernardino Democrats Adopt Resolution
The San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee calls on Governor Newsom to apply for waivers allowing California to implement Single Payer Health Care system within the first 100 days of the Biden Administration…
Jan 10
Declare your Candidacy – Deadline Jan 15th
Central Committee Members and Alternates,
Every two years, the California Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC) reorganizes. Each time the DSCC reorganizes, our County Central Committee elects delegates to represent us on the DSCC. This year, due to COVID restrictions, our delegate elections will be held on-line on Sat, Jan 23rd & Sun Jan 24th.
To be eligible for these elections, you must be either a voting member of the San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee or a Permanent Alternate. If there are unfilled seats after the initial voting, appointed alternates will also be considered.
To make our election process as smooth as possible, let us know in advance that you intend to run for a delegate seat. Declaring your candidacy is easy. Click here to go to the form and answer 4 quick questions:
The deadline to declare your candidacy for these elections is Fri, Jan 15th.
Jan 10
Remember this week for the right reasons
Like you, I was sickened by the siege that unfolded across my TV and social media screens on Wednesday. To prevent the peaceful transfer of power, Donald Trump incited those thugs to riot and storm the Capitol Building. For that, the president should be removed from office immediately and those who desecrated the Capitol, and terrorized lawmakers and staff should be prosecuted. The five lives lost during that reckless insurgence are on Donald Trump’s hands.
But I refuse to let those despicable and undemocratic acts overshadow the truly historic events that occurred this week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, both races for Senate in GA were called for Democrats: Rev Raphael Warnock & Jon Ossoff. This is big news, and we deserve the right to pat ourselves on the back! For months, we made phone calls, contributed money, and wrote postcards, all to get that victory in Georgia.
We need to celebrate Rev Warnock’s election, making him the first African-American senator from Georgia. We need to celebrate Jon Ossoff’s election, who at age 33 will be the first Millennial to hold a seat in the Senate, and the first Jewish senator elected in the South since the 1800’s. We need to celebrate the heavy turn out by Georgia’s Black voters, who made those wins possible. And we need to celebrate the leadership of Black women in Georgia, like Stacey Abrams who led the strategizing and organizing efforts that made those victories a reality.
Want more reason to celebrate? In spite of the lies of rampant voter fraud spewed by people like Donald Trump, and Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, the certification of the votes is a done deal! Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are officially our president and vice president elect.
We the people – Democrats – deserve this week’s headlines, not Trump’s hideous insurrectionists. I get it that we must continue to hold Trump accountable for his false and inflammatory rhetoric and his undemocratic acts. I understand the need for seriousness in the face of lost lives. But the democratic election of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are deserving of celebration. We need to take a moment from this difficult week, and savor the sweet success of our hard work. We deserve it.
Kristin Washington Chair, San Bernardino County Democratic Party